
Movember was an idea produced by two friends, Travis Garone and Luke Slattery, that transformed from a fun experiment into a movement aimed at addressing health issues prevalent among men. Garone and Slattery decided to promote a moustache-growing contest (“mo” being English-Australian slang for a moustache) among their friends that ended up getting several entries. Inspired by the impressions it generated, they decided to use the attention the new competition was receiving to lend support to a cause. They now build awareness and help acquire funding for multiple events across several continents, each of which targets one of four primary men’s health dilemmas: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention.

What’s New

SWK Movember Challenge

Between November 1-30, SWK Technologies held an internal contest for the Movember Challenge, in which every employee was eligible to present their submissions for the Movember Foundation. The contest was open to everyone as long as “no Muppets were harmed.” The winner received a donation made by SWK in their name to the Movember Foundation.

Our Stories

Gary Berman – Executive Vice President

I originally didn’t know much about Movember’s mission (other than growing stylish facial hair), until another SWK team member started posting stuff about them on his social media. Once I learned Movember was about building awareness for men’s health and cancer, it immediately hit home. The men in my family, including my father, have had a history of cancer. Being aware of this fact, I have always made sure I get checked. Movember has become a way for me to raise awareness of these issues and help others. Besides, it gives me an excuse to grow out my luxurious beard.

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